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BART, an R shiny web application for microarray analysis(基于R的在线GEO 芯片表达数据挖掘工具)

GREIN, GEO RNA-seq Experiments Interactive Navigator(基于GEO RNA-seq测序表达数据工具)

Tools4miRs, one place to gather all the tools for miRNA analysis

miRToolsGallery, a database of miRNA tools.

ANEMONE, a tool to take your differentially expressed genes of interest and cluster these genes based on the motifs that are associated with each of them(表达基因聚类分析)

BURNS, Bioinformatics Utility for RevealiNg Senescence(基于RNA-Seq的基因年龄预测工具)

Astrocyte Transcription(胶质细胞转录分析)

iLincs, an integrative web-based platform for analysis of omics data and signatures of cellular perturbations(交互性疾病与细胞扰动组学标签分析)

RICK (RNA Interactive Computing Kit)(RNA交互分析工具)


Perseus, a comprehensive portfolio of statistical tools for high-dimensional omics data analysis covering normalization, pattern recognition, time-series analysis, cross-omics comparisons and multiple-hypothesis testing, supporting biological and biomedical researchers in interpreting protein quantification, interaction and post-translational modification data.(范例

canSAR ( , a public, freely available, integrative translational research and drug discovery knowlegebase


IntAct, a freely available, open source database system and analysis tools for molecular interaction data(分子互作分析)

STRING: functional protein association networks

HuRI, the Human Reference Interactome.

PRIDE, The raw and analysed proteomic data.

PINAan integrated platform for protein interaction network construction, filtering, analysis, visualization, and management.


SRA Explorer